Tag: Sensors

July 25, 2020 Yuuki Nishiyama 0 Comments

Our paper (“iOS crowd-sensing won’t hurt a bit!: AWARE Framework and Sustainable Study Guideline for iOS Platform”) regarding AWARE Framework for iOS is officially published on the web! Additionally, we have had a presentation about the paper at HCI International 2020 on July 20. A preprint version of the paper and the presentation material is attached on this page. We hope this framework will help other researchers’ works!

皆さん、二週間前の滞在場所と時間、三密状態は正確に覚えていますか?(僕は正直あまり自信が無いです…) と言うことで、滞在場所や移動距離、運動量を自動記録するiOSアプリ(SelfGuard)を開発しました!今のところ手動ですが、三密状態も記録できます。

April 30, 2020 Yuuki Nishiyama 0 Comments
